Check the most widely used indexs on the market
Net Promote Score
Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)
Customer Effort Score
Net satisfaction index
Create all kinds of custom surveys

Customer satisfaction

Work environment

Market study
Perform product tests, analyze the behavior of your users and get a good positioning in front of the competition

Guaranteed quality
Implement all security and anonymity controls for your surveys.

Post event
Colllect feedbacks from attendees and organisers, to futher improve and create unique experiences.

Branding position
Identify who your best customers, your occasional shoppers and understand how it affects your competitor.

Market reseach
Know the liking, interests and preferences of the segment to study, so you can give optimal solutions in a short time.

Predicts results
Anticipate knowing how it will affect the satisfaction of your customers, the decisions you make are simple or complex.

Custom surveys
All kinds of questions

Receive the data anywhere
Being a Cloud platform, you can have the results anywhere in the world and just with one click away. Launching a campaign it will only depend on your needs.
Types of reports
You can choose which report best suits your needs. We have several predefined reports for you.